
Conservative apocalypse

Spanish Popular Party explodes

Isabel Díaz Ayuso, on Thursday
(Source: Rosana Rivera)
USPA NEWS - The first opposition party to the Spanish Government, the conservative Popular Party, broke out this Thursday in an apocalypse that threatens the continuity of its political project and destroys its chances of expelling the Socialist Party from the Government of the nation. The internal wars between factions of the conservative party materialized at noon in the rupture of relations between the president of the Madrid regional government, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the party's national leadership. At the bottom of this conflict, the alleged espionage of the Madrid president from the highest levels of the Popular Party.
Two Spanish newspapers revealed this Tuesday that, in 2020, during the first wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, a brother of the Madrid president, Tomás Díaz Ayuso, acted as an intermediary between the regional government of Madrid and a company that manufactures surgical masks, which at that time were beginning to be necessary to stop the spread of Covid-19. From that contract, for an amount of 1.5 million euros (1.7 million US dollars), the brother of the Madrid president would have pocketed 280,000 euros (318.050 USD). This commission was duly declared to the Public Treasury, but from the direction of the conservative Popular Party they consider that it is a case of corruption.
According to information in the newspapers, the faction opposed to the president of the Madrid government, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and aligned with the president of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, would have commissioned the Mira detective agency to investigate the Madrid president, of his family and the tax returns of the president's brother. Order that the detective agency rejected for being illegal, before revealing the espionage attempt to the Madrid leader.
Isabel Díaz Ayuso is the fashionable political leader in Spain. She, representative of a new generation of Spanish politicians, called early regional elections when she sensed that the centrist Ciudadanos party, with which she governed, was going to withdraw her support. Her move worked out for her because she achieved a sufficient majority to govern alone. Her example has been followed later by other regional leaders of the Popular Party, the last in Castilla y León, with mixed results.
The leading role of Isabel Díaz Ayuso aroused envy in the Popular Party. Led by a mediocre politician, its president Pablo Casado, and a clique of leaders without the charisma or preparation that previous party leaders had, since then the conservatives have focused on discrediting Isabel Díaz Ayuso and torpedoing her policies. Surrounded by the national leadership of her party and by the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, close to Pablo Casado, the Madrid president is used to tasting solitude in politics. This Thursday her patience was exhausted and Díaz Ayuso, in a public appearance before the media, recognized the intermediary activity of her brother and declared war on the conservative leaders who ordered her espionage.
For these leaders, the words of Isabel Díaz Ayuso are "almost criminal" and announced the opening of a file to the Madrid president. Other conservative leaders opposed to the current leadership were previously filed and removed from the political front line. And meanwhile, conservative voters perplexed witness the apocalypse of the Popular Party. At the headquarters of the Socialist Party, however, euphoria was the dominant feeling this Thursday. The conservative harakiri gives oxygen to the Government of Pedro Sánchez, mired in a constant loss of votes. Today, socialists look to the future with optimism.
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