


French President Macron arrives European Council (Source: European Council )
Format Normandie / Minsk Agreements Paris 2019
(Source: RSR Jedi Foster)
USPA NEWS - President of the European Council, Charles Michel has urgently convened a special meeting of the European Council to discuss the situation in Ukraine following Russia's unprovoked and unjustified military actions that grossly violate international law and undermine European and global security and stability. We strongly condemn Russia's unjustified attack on Ukraine. « We will hold Kremlin accountable ». Charles Michel, President of european Council, stated
The tree leaders, Ursula Von Der Lyen, European Commission Chief. Charles Michel, President of european Council, and French President Macron, held a press conference, at 3 am, 25 February, in Brussels after a very tense a long meeting, dining this extraordinary summit. French President made very strong and firm remarks regarding the Russian attack on a "peaceful country" and at the same time very concerned about the civilian populations, and in particular the most vulnerable in Ukraine who are suffering the direct consequences of the start of the armed conflict, which started two days ago and led to the exodus of hundreds of thousands of civilians...to Poland and Romania, EU Member States, which are border countries.
Leaders European Council 24 Feb Brussels
Source: European Council
President Macron, reminded from the outset that today was a European Council "not a crisis but a war and the choice made by President Putin to launch a series of 'massive and not targeted military operations' "Faced with this situation of war, we must draw all the conclusions, those that President Putin's choice is on the one hand to want to stutter European history and bring us back to logics of empires and confrontations, the second is to flout all the principles that preside over international law, the charters and treaties sovereignly signed by Russia in recent decades. “added Emmanuel Macron. "WE CONDUCTED A DIALOGUE WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF NORMANDY FORMAT BY GIVING CHANCES TO DIPLOMACY WITHOUT NAIVETY" SAID PRES. MACRON The French Head of State has also, like the two leaders of EU, Ursula Von Der Lyen and Charles Michel, insisted on unity, "Our unity, we first designed it to discuss and give every chance for diplomacy without naivety, without concessions through a demanding dialogue that we have conducted within the framework of the so-called Normandy format with Germany and also through the contacts that several European colleagues and that our institutions have been able to make in recent weeks. It is the deliberate choice of the Russian President not to seize this voice. »
Military Forces Ukraine
Source: Twitter
THE EU HAS DECIDED TO INFLICT SEVERE BLOWS ON MOSCOW ON THE PERSONS AND SECTORS ” ANNOUNCED PRES. MACRON President Macron then confirmed the fruit of the work of this unit with the allies, "The European Union has worked closely with all of its British, Canadian and American allies to design all the sanctions, a new stage of which has been politically recorded this evening by all the Heads of State and Government. All of this has been prepared and designed. He adds that “The European Union has therefore decided together to inflict very severe blows on Moscow on both individuals and sectors. They will also be supplemented by government measures and I have this morning requested several works in particular on personal property and a series of personalities in addition to these measures. »--------------------------------------------------------- He completes his remarks concerning Belarus, which will also be subject to sanctions "These sanctions will also target the Belarusian regime which is complicit in this Russian offensive and I want to emphasize this point in view of recent developments in recent weeks. » Then, the head of tea Francais mentioned the support for Ukraine, both on the economic level, by "the adoption of a package of macro-financial assistance of 1.2 billion euros. with an additional contribution from France "of 300 million euros for the Ukrainian economy and we are ready to continue to deliver military and support equipment to the population, as I was able to tell President Zelenskyy. »
Source: NATO
FRANCE WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE BALTIC SKY POLICE WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF NATO President Macron confirmed France's full contribution within NATO "France will continue to fully play its role of reassuring NATO allies by sending a new contingent to Estonia within the enhanced forward presence, anticipating its participation in the Baltic Sky Police from March and also by accelerating its deployment in Romania. Beyond that, I remind you that we are the framework nation of the VJTF and obviously we will play our role. »--------------------------------------------------------------- President Macron also recalled "the rapid adoption of measures to deal with this exceptionally serious crisis, in particular with regard to energy prices, so that European citizens and our businesses are fully protected. » The French Head of State, also mentioned the problem of cyberattacks and misinformation, in order to protect "our democracy, our public opinion in the context that has just been recalled" and "we will take in matters of cyber, in terms of the fight against disinformation that is being spread on social networks and by several Russian propaganda outlets on European soil. » Head of State Macron, currently also Head of the President of the EU, then concluded with a reassuring note, despite the current context, recalling the importance of the sovereignty of the European Union and was able to "thank all the initiatives coordinated and taken in recent days and weeks by President Charles Michel, and adding that "The tragic times of history are returning. The war is there on our soil and therefore if need be to have the demonstration that Europe is not simply a consumer market but indeed a power which must think about its energy independence, its climate transition by itself which must to think of a Europe of defense capable of protecting its borders, its citizens and of projecting itself towards its allies, among other things, and obviously also of technological sovereignty, the war that we are currently living through demonstrates this cruelly to us. »
Format Normandie / Minsk Agreements Paris 2019
Source: RSR Jedi Foster
"NORMANDY FORMAT WAS LEGITIMATE AND THE MINSK AGREEMENTS PREVAILED" MACRON SAID In response to a reporter's question, questioning him "Do you feel betrayed by his counterpart Putin, because he hasn't kept his promises, and 'if he is still in favor of a dialogue?' President Macron replied: "We have, as I said, done everything so that the diplomatic route can prevail and I recall that on the Ukrainian question the Minsk agreements prevailed, were the framework agreed by all the parties, and the Normandy format, the one that was authoritative and legitimate. Until a few hours before the launch of the operations, the recognition of two illegitimate republics and then the military operations, we were still discussing with President Putin the details of the implementation of the Minsk agreements. So yes, there was duplicity, yes there was a deliberate, conscious choice by President Putin to launch the war when we could still negotiate peace. In this context, the situation is the one we know, it first calls for unconditional support for the Ukrainian people, their authorities, their president, this is the support we are providing, it is that of solidarity between Europeans . It involves a series of sanctions and measures that we have just recalled, but it also involves knowing how to keep the channels open so that, as soon as possible, a ceasefire can be decided and hostilities stopped because today, as I said, it is civilians who are killed. That's the situation, that's how I see it today. But very clearly, the choice was made deliberately, by the Russian President, to go to war and therefore we must also draw the consequences. » …/ Source Elysee
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