


Gabriel Attal Spokesperson of Government (Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
Gabriel Attal Spokesperson of Government
(Source: Europe 1 Tv Caption)
USPA NEWS - The spokesperson for the French government, Gabriel Attal, shared the report of the Ministers of , announcing that two other councils will still follow before the re-elected President of the Republic takes office. He then answered many questions to the dozen journalists corresponding to the Elysee Palace, and answered that of USPA, about disability. He not only answered very embarrassed or even annoyed, while reassuring, because he had already asked the Secretary of State for Disabilities to provide exhaustive data relating to his balance sheet, a week earlier, and did not do so. .. This is not surprising because its record is judged by associations for the defense of the disabled, as "unsatisfactory, even regressive with regard to the law of deconjugalization of state aid AAH (Aide Adulte Handicap) , and other glaring failures of inclusion of people with disabilities in French society and non-alignment with the Declaration of Human Rights, according to the UN IACHR. Indeed in September 2021, at the General Assembly of the United Nations, the report of the Secretary of State for Disability, was retorted, and critical on 18 pages of the 20 pages of the report.
Gabriel Attal Spokesperson of Government
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
The spokesperson for the French government, Gabriel Attal, shared the report of the Ministers of , announcing that two other councils will still follow before the re-elected President of the Republic takes office. He then answered many questions to the dozen journalists corresponding to the Elysee Palace, and answered that of USPA, about disability. He not only answered very embarrassed or even annoyed, while reassuring, because he had already asked the Secretary of State for Disabilities to provide exhaustive data relating to his balance sheet, a week earlier, and did not do so. .. This is not surprising because its record is judged by associations for the defense of the disabled, as "unsatisfactory, even regressive with regard to the law of deconjugalization of state aid AAH (Aide Adulte Handicap) , and other glaring failures of inclusion of people with disabilities in French society and non-alignment with the Declaration of Human Rights, according to the UN IACHR. Indeed in September 2021, at the General Assembly of the United Nations, the report of the Secretary of State for Disability, was retorted, and critical on 18 pages of the 20 pages of the report. Spokesman Gabriel Attal, one of the youngest ministers (thirty-something) brilliant and ambitious of the government still current (he has been in office for 3 years s). Before May 14, his future will be fixed as to his accession to the next government, because he will have done the job well, during his mission entrusted to President Macron.
Gabriel Attal Spokesperson Government Disability
Source: Twitter
GABRIEL ATTAL HAS SERVED THE GOVERNMENT WITH TALENT & HAD DEFENDED THE RIGHTS OF THE DISABLED Gabriel Attal, is the spokesperson of the current government (government CASTEX), since 2020, at the age of 33, member of the majority party, LREM (La Republique en Marche). Gabriel Attal, young, talented, tireless, and hardworking, never spares his time to represent the oral extension of the government, whether in times of hardship and/or crises. Gabriel Attal, as soon as he took office as a spokesperson of the government, he installed an elevator and even a ramp to the podium, in the room of spokesperson dedicated for the press, at Elysee. Our journalist, Rahma Sophia Rachdi, had made a rant, five years rather because moving exclusively in an electric wheelchair, she had challenged Christophe Castaner, spokesman at the time, to request accessibility to this room. A wooden ramp had been installed, up to the current elevator, leading directly to the press room. Indeed, the State must be exemplary in terms of accessibility and standards for wheelchairs.
Gabriel Attal Spokesperson of Government
Source: LCP Tv Caption
Gabriel Attal is one of the few ministers who took an interest in the cause of disability in this work. Indeed, on October 25, 2018, he organized at the request of the Union Centriste group debate in the Senate, for Education of children with disabilities (At the time he was Secretary of State to the Minister of National Education and Youth). "The subject is particularly close to my heart. I am therefore delighted to speak for the first time in the Senate on this subject, even if I am a little frustrated at having only a few moments to answer you, as the President has just to remind you. I hope you will forgive me for the haste of my remarks. Together with my colleague Sophie Cluzel, I am completely prepared to provide you with more detailed answers in writing if you ask us to do so.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The subject is fundamental and complex at the same time. All those who affirm the contrary divert the right emotion that this question raises in families and are not up to the stakes or what we want to achieve together. I am happy that we are having this debate in the Senate, knowing the capacity of the High Assembly to address the subjects on the merits, in a dispassionate way at the political level." Alas, since that time, Gabriel Attal has been appointed government spokesperson, proof that he did the job and obtained the confidence of the President of the Republic, for this promotion, but left a void, that of pleading for the cause of the handicap... not exploited by the Secretary of State for the handicap Sophie Cluzel. His record is very mediocre.In five years of his mandate, few things have changed positively for people with disabilities, although the President of the Republic Macron asked him to work transversally with the other ministers, and having placed him under the aegis of the Prime Minister, which granted him enormous hierarchical importance in the government.The disappointment is commensurate with this confidence and this preponderant place in the government.
Logo Inclusion-Strategy UN
Source: United Nations
IN FRANCE CULTURE IS FIERCLY ACCESSIBLE TO THE DISABLED, AND THE CINEMAS & THEATRES MOSTLY NOT HANDYFRIENDLY Culture, for example, is almost inaccessible in France for people with disabilities, despite the rare efforts to make places and programs accessible (the majority of cinemas and theaters are still inaccessible, even in violation of the law), in a country like France, which is famous throughout the world for its abundance of programs, festivals and other cultural events. Paris being the city where there are the most museums and cinemas in the world, but they are not handy-friendly, alas, in the country of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moreover, the report submitted by Sophie Cluzel in 2021, to the September GA of the UN, was rejected, with recommendations on the 18 pages of the 20 pages of the report, reproaching France for an overly medico-social approach to disability and not aligned with human rights, implying lame inclusion.----------------------------------------------------------------- It will take after May 14 for the French to know what the next government will be, once President Macron has appointed his new Prime Minister. The 12 million disabled people in France, representing all the same 15% of the French population, hope for a minister who is genuinely dedicated to their cause, dear to the President himself, and who works really and concretely on the ground, in order to improve the daily life of this vulnerable minority. The ideal would be that this future minister for the handicap, instills benevolence himself, and gets down to this task, even if the handicap is not "sexy" in itself as a topic, and in accordance with the policy of France inclusive society, and in line with the UN SDGs.
Gabriel Attal Spokesperson of Government
Source: Public Senat TV Caption
GABRIEL ATTAL IS ONE OF THE YOUNGEST AND AMBITIOUS MINISTERS IN THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT Gabriel Attal, was born in Paris and grew up in the 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris with three sisters. His father was a lawyer and film producer and his mother worked as an employee of a film production company. He studied at the Ecole Alsacienne, His political activity started when he participated in the 20026 youth protests in France. From 2007 to 2013, he studied at Sciences PO and graduated in 2012 with a Master of Public Affairs and studied (Like President macron and most of the French other Presidents) and studied at Pantheon-Assas University. In his first year he created the support committee for Ingrid Betancourt,  and coordinated support for the Franco-Colombian hostage held by the FARC. In 2009–2010, he went on a mission to Eric Chassey, director of Villa Medici. After an internship at the French National Assembly, with Marisol Touraine, (Socialist Former Minister of Health, under President Hollande’s term) during the Presidential campaign Gabriel Attal entered in 2012 the cabinet of the Minister of Health. Until 2017, he worked as an advisor in charge of relations with Parliament and as the Minister's speechwriter. Gabriel Attal was elected to the french National Assembly, on 18 June 2017, representing the Hauts de Seine ’s 10th constituency, winning out over the designated successor of Andre Santini (legendary Mayor of Issy Les Moulineaux). In December 2017, Attal was appointed rapporteur on a bill on student orientation and student success…/
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