Nefertiti bust (Source: Wikipedia)
In the past years, women's empowerment has become a major event in the Arab world. In just a short period of time, the voice of women has in fact been found at the heart of debates, whether be political, economic or social. Beyond a new recognition of their statutory and social status,...
In the past years, women's empowerment has become a major event in the Arab world. In just a short period of time, the voice of women has in fact been found at the heart of debates, whether be political, economic or social. Beyond a new recognition of their statutory and social status, women have played an important role in the many recent changes in the region. Women's empowerment in the Arab world enables them trace their own path and confirm their places in society. They are essential in driving revival in the region.
Creativity in the Arab world is a source of innovation and renewal, embodied in the dynamic character of museum policies, the numerous creations of private collections and cultural venues as well as by numerous contemporary art fairs. Creativity has today become a central pillar of the cultural policies of a great number of Arab governments, which see it as a level for social cohesion. At the same time, creativity is one of the main vectors of change and renewal throughout the region, even transgression of social conventions. Creativity reveals new voices and act as a catalyst for the hopes of a youth eager for change.
The wealth of the sub-soils in countries of the Arab world is no longer a matter for debate. They still represent today close to half of the world's known oil and gas reserves. A number of countries are working more and more at setting up an energy transition solution. How do they promote alternative energies, sources of longterm revenues and a means of decreasing the energy bill both on the economic and the environmental level.
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou Women Empowerment Culture Source Innovation Arab World Major Event Voice Debates Political Economic Social Recognition Statutory Social Status Changes Period Of Time Creativity Dynamic Character Museum
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