
Proposed resolution for the independence of Catalonia

USPA News Documents

USPA NEWS - Next, the text of the proposed resolution presented at the Catalan Parliament by the coalitions Together for Yes (Junts pel Si its Catalan name) and Popular Unity Candidate (CUP its Catalan acronym) for the independence of Catalonia.
At the Bureau

Jordi Turull I Negre and Marta Rovira Verges as president and spokesman of the GP Together for YES, and Antonio Baños Boncompain and and Anna Gabriel Sabate, as president and spokesman GP Popular Unity Candidates, according with the provisions of Articles 164 and 165 of the Rules of Parliament, presented the following proposed resolution to be substantiated before the plenary session of the Parliament by emergency procedure. In the end, while we ask is convened urgently Board of Spokesmen.

In accordance with the democratic mandate obtained on September 27, the undersigned parliamentary groups proposed this resolution.
The Parliament of Catalonia:

FIRST. Noting that the democratic mandate obtained at the last elections of September 27, 2015, is based on a majority of seats in parliamentary forces with the aim of Catalonia becoming an independent and sovereign with a large majority in votes and seats commitment to the opening of a constitutional process unsubordinated.

SECOND. Solemnly declares the beginning of the process of creating independent Catalan state in a Republic.

THIRD. Proclaims the opening of a constituent process, citizen participation, open, inclusive and active to prepare the foundations for the future constitution Catalan.
FOURTH. Calls on the future Government to adopt the measures necessary to give effect to these statements.

FIFTH. Considers pertinent begin within thirty days processing laws constituent process, social security and public finances.

SIXTH. As a repository of sovereignty and constituent power of expression, and reiterates that Parliament disconnection process is not subject to democratic decisions of the institutions in Spain, including the Constitutional Court, who considered delegitimize and without competition following the June 2010 ruling on the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia previously voted in a referendum by the people, among others.
SEVENTH. Take the necessary steps to open the process of democratic disengagement, massive, sustained and peaceful with Spain in such a way as to empower citizens at all levels and based on open participation, active and inclusive.

EIGHTH. Calls on the future Government to meet those standards solely or mandate weeks of this House, legitimate and democratic, in order to shield the fundamental rights that may be affected by decisions of the institutions of the Spanish State.

NINTH. Declares will start negotiations in order to exercise their democratic mandate to create an independent Catalan state as a Republic and also puts in knowledge of Spain, the European Union and the whole the international community.

October 27, 2015.
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